Kansas Firefighter License Plate Authorized By Kansas Legislature

The 2004 Kansas Legislature authorized the development of a Kansas Firefighter License Plate. Kansas Firefighters may get an application for a Firefighter License Plate by contacting their local Fire Chief's Office and requesting a Firefighter License Plate Certification form. Firefighters may present the form to their local county treasurer's tag office to receive a Firefighter License plate. A certification form must be presented annually at the time of vehicle registration renewal to maintain the Firefighter License Plate. The certification must be signed by your fire chief and the KSFFA Secretary.

Fees associated with this plate include a one-time $50.00 personalized plate fee, a $.50 reflectorized plate fee, and a $3.00 county service fee.

Complete the Distinctive License Plate Certification Form.

For questions, contact KSFFA Secretary - Zach Golemboski