FirstNet Users Summit

The Vision 2022 FirstNet Users Summit FirstNet Users Summit, hosted by the Public Safety Broadband Technology Association, is more than just a conference. This event is designed to engage you in learning how FirstNet can benefit you and your agency. We’ll put you in the room where it all happens, and you will be able to connect with peers and FirstNet ecosystem professionals in the ongoing development of our nation’s only dedicated, public safety broadband network. 

This unique and exclusive opportunity is designed to show not only you what’s possible today but what the future could hold - a future you’ll be a part of shaping! 

Our panel discussions are specifically crafted to assure that you, the user, administrator, or IT professional, are confident in how to capitalize on your network and utilize specialized applications to better serve our communities and accomplish your mission.

We’ve spent the past three years in the field with our regional forums talking to first responders and IT personnel who manage communications programs. 

Now, it’s time for you to come and see how FirstNet will take you and your agency to the next level.

First Responders are known for taking on the big jobs, and when it comes to leveraging and evolving FirstNet, you are the solution.

For more information on our schedule, go to

Join us for this opportunity to learn and shape FirstNet.

Please contact John Paul Jones, if you have a need for financial assistance to attend,


First Responders Wellness Classes Offered
